Order your calendar on whatsapp number 9384631507 only. Courier charges will be added.
Get from Kanchi Kamakoti Mutt also
It is our bliss to think and speak of the Kanchi Kamkodi Peetham 68th Seer, Sri Sri Sri Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati Swami. It is our spiritual duty to pass on the superiority of such a great history to the next generation. "Sri Maha Swamigal Brindhavanam Trust" is initiating to produce pictograph series called "KARUNAI KADAL" in Tamil, English and Telugu, so that the world can know the simple and proud life of Sri Kanchi Swamigal.
Therefore, our trust welcomes the s
Donate or Give Pledge
Donation upto ₹ 99,000 is treated as nonrefundable. Giving pledge is One Lakh and above support for this series will be returned without interest after telecasting the series. The goal is to inspire the wealthy people of Sri Maha Periyava devotees to give at least small part of their net worth to Periyava kainkaryams. Above ₹10,000 doners will be rewarded with 24 karat gold leaf Sri Maha Periyava Frame.
Daily we conduct Gho Pooja at chennai, all arrangements will be taking care by our trust like Pooja materiel, garland, Vasthram and vedhiyar. Annadhanam will happen. The person or family who will attend the Gho Pooja should register prior. Join us with your whole family members fro sankalpam.
For attending and Sankalpam Gho Pooja - ₹ 5001
For Sankalpam only - ₹ 501
Sri Maha Periyava gives his blessings to all his devotees
Sri Maha Periyava cries while hear the song sung by Sirkazhi Govindharajan
Food justice is an important part of community justice. We are giving food for needy on every Day at selected area. We take donations from deities to fight hunger. Join us to serve food for the people in need.
We are having all types of Sri maha Periyava idle to worship. We can send it all over the world to those who want and make the order.
Also we send Sri Kanchi Mutt Prashadam to all who will make the request.
Our Maha Periyava community is full of people who want to help. We work to help the poor people providing basic needs and services with the whole hearted. Come connect with people in Sri Periyava's devotional ways.